Dundalk Institute of Technology have launched an accredited Certificate in the Fundamentals of Understanding and Responding to Domestic Abuse. The programme was launched on 14th January 2016 and is the first of its kind in Ireland, accredited in Ireland.
Kerry Children and Young People’s Services Committee launched their ‘#Connected Respected’ Social Media Campaign on Friday 15th January 2016. The campaign seeks to hear the voice of young people in Kerry in order to better inform the work of Kerry CYPSC.
Tusla the Child and Family Agency is now recruiting for CYPSC Co-ordinators to support Children and Young People’s Services Committees in their work to bring together a diverse group of agencies in local county areas to engage in joint planning and co-ordination of services for children and young people.
SPECS (Supporting Parents and Early Childcare Services) was launched on Monday 30th November 2015 by Simon Harris TD, Minister of State and Dr. Niall Muldoon, Ombudsman for Children. SPECS is a new prevention and early intervention service for families in the Greater Bray Area.
Greystones Family Resource Centre in partnership with Bray Women's Refuge launched their Domestic Violence Public Awareness Raising Campaign on 25th November 2015 at Kilcoole Community Centre.
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs launches the National Youth Strategy 2015 - 2020 on the 8th October 2015. Development of the Strategy has been informed by extensive consultation with young people, those working with young people, and key stakeholders.
The Irish Primary Principals' Network (IPPN) and National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD) are organising a one day symposium on the 4th November 2015 titled 'Emotional Wellbeing – at the heart of school communities'. The event is setting out to challenge current thinking on how emotional wellbeing is handled in the education sector and what we can all do to embed a culture of wellbeing in our schools.
YNOW is a magazine aimed at youth work staff, volunteers, members of youth projects and clubs and those in services that have an interest in the development of young people. The latest edition of YNOW is out and carries an article on CYPSC.
The Drugs and Alcohol Working Group of Kerry CYPSC launched the ‘THINK About Alcohol’ booklet on the 28th September 2015. The booklet provides information for young people and their parents on alcohol and issues relating to alcohol use in order to help them to discuss alcohol openly and honestly.
In developing their three-year strategic plans CYPSC undertake to consult with children and young people. This happens in a variety of ways across different counties and includes work with each county’s Comhairle na nÓg (Child and Youth Council). The role and involvement of children and young people in CYPSC is to be strengthened and developed going forward.
Wicklow Children and Young People's Services Committee have made a submission to Wicklow Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) to inform the development of Wicklow's Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP). The role of the LCDC is to enhance the strategic planning and co-ordination of local and community development activity.
Healthy Food for All (HFfA) is an all-island charity addressing food poverty by promoting access, availability and affordability of healthy food for low-income groups. Food poverty is defined as the “inability to access a nutritionally adequate diet and the related impacts on health, culture and social participation.”
The Parenting Support Initiative (PSI) is a three year grants programme which provides funding to projects which support parents in their parenting role. PSI mainly focuses on parents with children who are between 0 and 3 years of age although some projects also support parents in the ante-natal stage. The Initiative is a collaborative partnership between the Katharine Howard Foundation (KHF) and the Community Foundation of Ireland (CFI).
Kildare Children and Young People's Services Committee launched their new three year Children and Young People's Plan (CYPP) on the 20th May 2015. The aim of the CYPP is to improve the quality of life for children, young people and families in county Kildare.
A Blueprint setting out the policy direction for the development of Children and Young People’s Services Committees over the next number of years was published on the 18th June 2015 by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. It acknowledges the development and work of CYPSCs since 2007, prioritises key issues to be addressed strategically and operationally and includes an Action Plan 2015 - 2017.