The Parent Hub Donegal have launched their 2017 “Make One Change” Campaign. This challenges and encourages families to make a New Year’s Resolution that improves family life.
The Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Helen McEntee, TD will launch new resources designed in County Meath to support young peoples' transitions from primary to post-primary school.
A guidance document for how CYPSC and Local Community Development Committees will work together to ensure the best outcomes for all children and young people was recently issued to all CYPSC by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Limerick CYPSC is pleased to announce the publication of its December 2016 newsletter.
Get up to date on CYPSC news. Our latest ezine is now available.
Galway CYPSC recently supported the development of a new set of guidelines for the protection and safety of young people at youth discos, party nights and events.
A national CYPSC Co-ordinator induction was held recently welcoming twelve new CYPSC Co-ordinator appointees.
Clare CYPSC launched its Facebook community consultation survey recently as part of an interactive road show to ask what matters to young people.
Roscommon CYPSC recently supported a Youth Work Fair which was the first event of its kind in the county. The Fair entitled “Creativity in Youth Work Fair” focused on creative approaches to youth work and the potential of entrepreneurship and creativity for young people in the County.
A new Homework Club for children living in the Ballybane area of Galway City was officially launched by Mayor of Galway City, Councillor Noel Larkin.
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs has issued a call for funding applications to support local CYPSC work.
CYPSC welcome the appointment of Padraig McCabe as the Irish Primary Principals Network's co-ordinator for CYPSC.
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) has issued the second edition of their Better Outcomes Brighter Futures newsletter.
The website won two awards at the recent Littlewoods Ireland Blog Awards on Thursday the 6th of October.
Wexford CYPSC launched its new website on Thursday 14th October. The website contains information on services and supports available for children, young people and families in County Wexford.