Longford Westmeath Domestic Abuse Resource Pack
Longford Westmeath Domestic Abuse Local Area Network, under the auspices of Longford Westmeath CYPSC have developed a Longford Westmeath Domestic Abuse Resource Pack as a resource for professionals working within statutory, community and voluntary services in Counties Longford and Westmeath. This resource, developed by Longford Westmeath CYPSC interagency partners offers advice, information, intervention, support and advocacy for women, men, children, perpetrators and victims of Domestic Abuse. The goal of this resource document is to create awareness of domestic abuse, support professional and front-line practitioners to identify domestic abuse and respond by highlighting a clear pathway when the need for support is required. This resource is a toolkit for professionals in the area of Longford and Westmeath who support people experiencing any form of domestic abuse.
To download the Longford Westmeath Domestic Abuse Resource Pack CLICK HERE
Multilingual Information Leaflets:
Longford Westmeath Domestic Abuse Local Area Network, under the auspices of Longford Westmeath CYPSC have developed a suite of multilingual Domestic Abuse information leaflets for the Longford and Westmeath Garda Districts. Copies of the leaflets are available in local Domestic Abuse services and in local Garda stations in the Longford and Westmeath garda district areas.
To download the leaflets click on the various languages listed below.
Longford Leaflets:
Westmeath Leaflets: