The Dún Laoghaire Rathdown Children and Young People's Services Committee (DLR CYPSC) has established five interagency sub-groups implement the strategic priorities for 2020-2022 aligned with the overall five national outcomes.
Each Subgroup is supported by the DLR CYPSC Coordinator and Co-Chaired by Senior Managers from key services who are also members of the DLR CYPS Strategic Area Management Committee. This ensures clear, consistent communication between the Subgroup and the Strategic Committee of the CYPSC. Each Subgroup has a work package detailed in the DLR CYPSC plan which it is accountable to implement according to the collectively agreed work plan for 2020-2022.
DLR CYPSC Subgroup
Member Services
Health and Mental Health
Aisling White (HSE Dun Laoghaire) and Kevin Madigan (St John of God’s Community Mental Health Services)
HSE (DL LHO); HSE (DSE LHO); Teen Counselling Crosscare; St John of God’s Community Mental Health Services; Lucena CAMHS; Exchange House National Travellers Service; Southside Travellers Action Group; NEPS; Crosscare Youth Services (DLR); My Project Mountown; Southside Partnership DLR; Barnardos (Ballyogan); PRISM Dlr; Cluain Mhuire Adult Mental Health Services SJOG; DLR Sports Partnership
Learning and Education
Professor Jason Last (UCD) and Aisling Crowley (Dublin Dun Laoghaire Education Training Board)
UCD; DDLETB; NAPD; Scoil Mhuire; STAG; Youthreach Sallynoggin; UCD Student’s Union; IADT Student’s Union; DLR County Childcare Committee; REACH St John of Gods; St Colmcilles Community School & National Association of Post-Primary Principal (NAPD)
Youth Leadership
Ger Magee (Crosscare Youth Services) and Lorna Kerin (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Crosscare Youth Services; DLR Comhairle Na Nog; UCD Student’s Union; IADT Student’s Union; EPIC; USI; STAG; Southside Partnership; Youthreach; An Gaisce
Parenting Support
Kerri Smith (Barnardos) and Teresa O’Mahony (HSE Psychology Dublin South East)
HSE Psychology (DSE) Barnardos; Ballyogan Family Resource Center; Rosemount Family Resource Center; Hillview Family Resource Center; Balally Family Resource Centre; Focus Ireland; Peter McVerry Trust; Springboard Family Support Project, Loughlinstown; Southside Women’s Action Network (SWAN); DLR County Childcare Committee (CCC); Southside Partnership DLR; Lucena CAMHS, St John of God’s Community Mental Health Services; Child & Family Support Network, Tusla Child & Family Agency; PRISM Dlr; My Project Mountown
Matthew Nyland (An Garda Siochana) and Ciara Murphy (Tusla Child and Family Agency
An Garda Siochana ; Tusla Child & Family Agency; Sonas Domestic Violence; DLR County Council; Sophia Housing; Peter McVerry Trust; Barnardos; My Project Mountown; Ballyogan Family Resource Center; Rosemount Family Resource Center; Southside Women’s Action Network; Cybersafety Ireland; Depublish
The DLR CYPSC is also represented by the DLR CYPSC Coordinator on other county level interagency committees and subgroups convened by other organisations including the following:
Oversight Group: Connecting for Life: Dublin South East, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown and East Wicklow
The national strategy, Connecting for Life, Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide 2015-2020. Connecting for Life, sets out a vision where fewer lives are lost through suicide, and where communities and individuals are empowered to improve their mental health and wellbeing. The implementation plan of this national strategy for HSE Community Healthcare Organisation 6 (Dún Laoghaire Rathdown and Wicklow) is Connecting for Life: Dublin South East, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown and East Wicklow 2015-2020. The Oversight Group in is an interagency committee composed of senior managers from the statutory and community sectors which aims to provide strategic direction on this implementation plan which has clear goals, objectives and measurable outcomes for the area.
At the launch of HSE CHO Area 6 Reducing Suicide Together Action Plan 2015-2020: Syliva Cahill (PSW Mental Health, HSE CHO 6), Fionnuala Curry (Coordinator Wicklow CYPSC), Pauline O’Reilly(Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention , Dublin South East & Dún Laoghaire) Adam Byrne (Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention , East Wicklow), Lorna Kerin (Coordinator Dún Laoghaire Rathdown CYPSC)
The Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Local Community Development Commitee (LCDC)
Local Community Development Committees (LCDC) have been established in all local authority administrative areas “for the purposes of developing, coordinating and implementing a coherent and integrated approach to local and community development”. In the local authority area of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown, good communication channels have been established between the LCDC and CYPSC through mutual representation on key structures
The Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Healthy Ireland Steering Group
When the Healthy Ireland funding stream for CYPSC’s and LCDC’s was first established in 2017, an interagency Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Steering Group was set up with representation from key stakeholders including the DLR LCDC, DLR CYPSC, the DLR County Council, the Southside Partnership, the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Sports Partnership, and HSE Health Promotion.
This interagency Steering Group collaborated on the development of a three year Healthy Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown strategic plan which incorporated findings from the DLR CYPSC Needs Analysis and the DLR CYPSC socio-demographic baseline report to inform a number of the strategic actions to improve population health in Dún Laoghaire Rathdown. This report was launched in May 2019 and is available in full here .
The Tusla Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS) Committee:
The Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS) Programme is a comprehensive programme of early intervention and preventative work (2015-2018) which has been undertaken embed early intervention and prevention within Tusla Child and Family Agency and partner agencies. In Dún Laoghaire Rathdown, the interagency PPFS Committee is chaired by Kevin Webster, Principal Social Worker with Tusla Child and Family Agency services in Dublin South East/Wicklow and supported by the Child and Family Support Network Coordinators.
Key areas of PPFS focus in Dún Laoghaire Rathdown include parenting support, parental participation, Meitheal (a common approach to practice across all agencies working with children that supports the participation of children and families to respond to their needs), Children and Young People Participation projects, training and support, service news and information updates.