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Innovative new website supports young people to identify which service can support their mental health in DLR

DLR CYPSC has worked with young leaders, Crosscare Youth Information Services and a range of services who support young people's mental health to collaboratively produce this innovative website www.LetsTalkDLR.ie

Young people, parents and services can search for which services is most suitable to support the young person's needs according to how they are feeling and what kind of service engagement they would like (mobile/online/in person). There are Youth Stories of young people's lived experience of using mental health services as well as direct video messages from services to young people about what they can offer. Any service changes during Covid-19 are also explained.

Wellbeing Resources for Children, Young People and Families in the Dublin greater area during COVID-19

Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown CYPSC has recently collaborated with the four other Dublin CYPSC to create a digital resource document which collates useful links to services operating in the Dublin areas and nationally during COVID-19. This Dublin CYPSC Services & Resources for Children, Young People and Families during COVID-19 is available here.

DLR CYPSC commissioned a comprehensive socio-demographic baseline evidence reported in 2017 to inform the subsequent stakeholder consultations and planning process. The research was conducted by the All Island Research Observatory (AIRO) and contains robust, reliable data on the child and youth population accross the 5 National Outcome areas of Health & Mental Health; Education & Learning; Safety & Protection from Harm; Economic Security; Connected, Respected & Contributing. See here 

Family Support & Child Protection services available in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown during COVID-19 

Many children, young people and families are now in need of support during COVID-19 for a range of reasons.  There are a number of Family Support Services in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown who have adapted their service delivery during COVID 19. Click here to see available family support services in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown which are fully or partially open, funded by Tusla Child and Family Agency.

Child Protection in Dun Laoghaire- Rathdown is supported by the Dublin South East team in Tusla Child and Family Agency. If you are concerned that a child or young person is at risk of harm, please contact that Tusla Child Protection Team on 01-9213400. If it is out of office hours or if the child or young person is in immediate danger, call An Garda Siochana on 999 or 112. Keeping children safe is everyone's business!

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Local Authority Services during COVID-19

DLR County Council has set up a new dedicated ‘Community Call’ helpline, supported by volunteers which is focused on ensuring that vulnerable members of the community can access deliveries of groceries, medicine and fuels.  Families can also contact this helpline and service if in need of support, and there is a library book drop service available. This helpline can be reached at Freephone 1800 804 535 or 01-271 3199. Both lines open seven days a week from 8am - 8pm You can also email covidsupport@dlrcoco.ie. DLR County Council is highlighting a range of services and providing the latest COVID19 updates locally here: https://bit.ly/3b2iqta  

Services for Children, Young People and their Families Dún-Laoghaire Rathdown

There are a range of wider available services to children, young people and families in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown which the DLR CYPSC has collated into a single document using Categories of Health; Education; Parenting and Family; Child Protection and Welfare; and Recreation and Community Services. These categories broadly align to the five National Outcomes of Better Outcomes Brighter Futures (DCYA 2014). This DLR CYPSC service directory is available here.

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