Across Ireland during the COVID-19 crisis CYPSC continue working to ensure that service responses for children, young people and families are co-ordinated and meeting needs. We have prepared a shortcut to each CYPSC area information.
Waterford Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) launched its Children and Young People's Plan '19 - '22 in City Hall, Waterford. The overall purpose of Waterford CYPSC is to ensure better outcomes for children and young people through enhanced co-ordination of local services and organisations.
The South Dublin Children and Young People's Service Committee offers its deep condolences to the family and friends of the three children who tragically lost their lives on Friday.
An interagency response to support the development needs of the growing number of children living in or born in to homelessness has won a 2019 Irish Healthcare Centre Award.
Have you checked out our Events Calendar recently? CYPSC interagency working is bringing services and organisations together all over Ireland. Find out what's happening in your local CYPSC area for children, young people, families and service providers.
Dublin City North CYPSC hosted a “Projects and Progress 2018” event featuring a number of successful and important programmes of their CYPSC work.
Thirty five members from Monaghan CYPSC and Subgroups participated in a "Cultivating Collaboration" event held in Castleblayney, County Monaghan.