Over sixty senior managers and leaders from stakeholder organisations met to discuss data sources, the needs of children and young people and service gaps in order to inform a socio-demographic mapping and needs analysis of the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown area.
Waterford CYPSC is pleased to announce the publication of its Spring 2017 newsletter providing an overview of the work of Waterford CYPSC into 2017.
Get up to date on CYPSC news. Our latest ezine is now available.
Each and every CYPSC in Ireland is committed to strengthening parenting support in their area. This stems from a well-established recognition by CYPSC of positive parenting for improving outcomes for children and young people.
The first CYPSC National Steering Group meeting of the year was held recently welcoming a new Chairperson, Noelle Spring.
Limerick CYPSC recently held a “Think-In” entitled, “Understanding the Needs; Assessing the Outcomes: Using Data and Research to Plan and Evaluate Services for Children and Families”.
A guidance document for how CYPSC and Local Community Development Committees will work together to ensure the best outcomes for all children and young people was recently issued to all CYPSC by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
Limerick CYPSC is pleased to announce the publication of its December 2016 newsletter.
Get up to date on CYPSC news. Our latest ezine is now available.
A national CYPSC Co-ordinator induction was held recently welcoming twelve new CYPSC Co-ordinator appointees.
Seventy-five representatives from a range of agencies working with children and young people in County Tipperary attended a Consultation Workshop in Thurles this Summer.
There was a high level of interest in the Tusla Recruitment campaign for CYPSC Co-ordinators and County Donegal was no exception.
At a recent conference in Dundalk, County Louth, delegates heard how agencies have come together to break down barriers and take a truly holistic approach to child well-being and family support.
The national CYPSC Steering Group was delighted to receive a visit to their June meeting from the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Katherine Zappone, TD.
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs has issued their first quarterly newsletter on the implementation of Better Outcomes Brighter Futures National Policy Framework for Children and Young People.