
National Governance

Children and Young People's Services Committees (CYPSC) formed an integral part of the structures provided for in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014 – 2020. and were  accountable to the CYPSC National Steering Group and the DCEDIY, and in turn to the Children and Young People's Policy Consortium .   The National Steering Group for CYPSC and the Children and Young People's Policy Consortium have since been stood down by DCEDIY. 

A new national policy framework for children and young people is in development by the Deprtment of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and expected to be published in 2023.  

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) provide policy and strategic direction to CYPSC. National level and local level operational leadership of CYPSC is provided by TUSLA – Child and Family Agency.  

A CYPSC National Implementation Group. established in 2016, comprising of representatives from DCEDIY and Tusla  ensures CYPSC continue to be positioned as an effective inter-agency co-ordination and collaboration structure to achieve the best outcomes for all children and young people.

Read about CYPSC Planning and Reporting here.

National Co-ordinator for CYPSC

The National Co-ordinator for Children and Young People's Services Committees role is to

  • Provide leadership for CYPSC at national level and lead the implementation of the strategic plan for CYPSC.
  • Ensure there is coherence and that a common approach is adopted across CYPSC and that CYPSC are embedded into the wider system.
  • Build understanding of and commitment to CYPSC at local and national level. 
  • Provide and co-ordinate support for CYPSC e.g. research and data, communications, facilitation and implementation including support to individual CYPSC at start-up stage and as required thereafter.
  • Have oversight of progress and impact of CYPSC, co-ordinating collective reporting to the national CYPSC Steering Group  and  DCYA, ensuring accountability and a focus on learning.
  • Harness the knowledge and expertise of CYPSC to influence and inform national policy and strategy.

The National Co-ordinator for CYPSC leads the CYPSC Co-ordinators' National Network.  This national network's purpose is to support and inform the strategic and operational development of CYPSC. Visit the Co-ordinators' Network page to find out more. 

Local Governance

Locally the Chairperson role of each CYPSC is undertaken by the local Tusla Area Manager.  The relevant local authority, City or County Council, fulfills the role of Vice Chairperson.  You can find more detail on the Operation and Membership of CYPSC here.

Each local CYPSC develops and implements a 3-year Children and Young People's Plan.  In doing this the CYPSC  will identify and agree key priorities for children and young people with the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) for inclusion in the county's Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP).   There will be a two-way relationship wherein local CYPSC and LCDCs will inform each other on relevant discussions.  In relation to economic related priorities CYPSC and the local authority's Strategic Policy Committee for Economic Development and Enterprise (SPC) will inform each other on relevant discussions.

Children and Young People's Services Committee members are accountable to each; other ensuring follow through on commitments made at the committee table, and committing to work collaboratively to the common CYPSC agenda.

Please click here for more information on the composition of Children and Young People's Services Committees.